Anadendrum Sp. Black


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We provide Phytosanitary Certificate for free
Special discount is given 20%-50%
We provide special prices for wholesalers too

About plants:

Indonesian endemic plants from Kalimantan

Anadendrum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. It is native to China and Southeast Asia.

Scientific name: Anadendrum Sp. Stuffed

Family: Araceae

The photos are representative
Plants in good condition and healthy
4-6 leaves
It is sold per plant


Via DHL Express for direct shipping
Via Air Freight Cargo for direct delivery of large quantities (usually)
Via our trans-hippers in the US and Germany (contact us for more information)
Shipping cost is negotiable

Payment method:

Via Paypal
Bank transfer
You can make payment 2-3 days before delivery

Factory Death On Arrival (DOA)

We provide 100% replacement for DOA factory excluding shipping cost

Additional information:

Import license is a must once your country requests it as a requirement
The factory can be shipped after the export permit is approved by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, usually takes 2-3 weeks
You will receive a tracking number on the day of delivery


You will get free shipping or share the shipping cost (depends on the quantity)
We have different prices for local buyers


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YouTube: Naturaqu Indonesia
Facebook Page: Naturaqu Indonesia

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